Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mathis Brothers Furniture

Here's the cheaper version of the pottery barn farm table that was listed for 5200.00. My table comes with more chairs for more guests. Also, the chairs are more kid friendly than the other set. They are the suede, country boot looking fabric. This set is sales for 1/5 the price of the pottery barn set as just 999.00. If you want a unique flare to the table, try completely different chairs from another set like I did. I will later post this set in my new home so you can see how it can be designed around modern pieces. No, I won't be purchasing the country hutch, just the table and chairs.
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  1. NICE! Pays to be a bargin shopper huh?

  2. Yes I does. I refurnished my living room, dining room, bedroom for under 3000.00.
