I'm a busy mom and it's not easy always making meals that take up hours of my time. Yes, I'm a stay-at-home mom, but with small kids they keep me busy and I love making quick tasty meals that leaves them asking for seconds. Cooking isn't something that's a passion for me and in true honesty I probably eat out more than I cook in. But, I'm learning to like it more and realizing that it doesn't have to be hard, time consuming, and I don't have to work up a big sweat in the kitchen. It's interesting that I grew up with both parents being avid cookers. They cooked all the time as we watched them at the kitchen counter. Out of the four children, two loves to cook and two couldn't care less about cooking. The two that love to cook are Tammi and Rachel, my sisters. They would've loved to attend a culinary school but both found interests in Pharmacy. I have great childhood memories of growing up on all types of international foods including chinese food, Jamacian food, seafood, Thai food, and soul food. My mom was the international cooker. She'd cook anything that crawls on land or swims in the sea. One time, she found a snapping turtle in our backyard, threw it in a big pot and cooked it for our dinner. It could have been our neighbors pet for all we knew, but we had turtle soup with it! lol. She always knew how to make a meal out of anything. My dad was the griller, seafood and soul food cooker. He loves to bring home fish that he's caught earlier in the day and fry it. He also was a chef at one point for a upscale resort in Destin. So,they both were great cookers and we never missed a meal. To this day, I'll eat just about anything.
Today, I'm cooking a simple meal for my family. It's vegetarian but I promise you will never miss one piece of meat. The dish is Spinach and Ricotta Cheese tortellini.
1. Olive oil and fresh spinach in pan |
2. Add this package to boiling water in separate pan. |
3. Boil for 10 minutes or until soft, then drain. |
4. Add garlic alfredo sauce to cooked spinach and cooked tortellini noodles |
5. Add spices to taste. Pasley, salt, paprika, basil, onion powder, garlic powder, peper, oregano. |
6. Finished dish! You can add cheese on top or add grilled chicken to dish for meat lovers.

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