Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My weight loss journey is going great. I've been on this journey for a week now and can tell that I've lost some weight already. Here's a picture of a homemade salad that I had for lunch yesterday. It was so yummy and I typically don't like salads. I've completely changed my eating habits and looking forward to the next week in my weight loss journey.

weight loss to date: 7 lbs (one week)
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  1. That looks TASTY! Good luck w/ the new... "lifestyle change". Your beautiful now and forever no matter what you eat. :) I can get Lee to eat a salad only if it is drenched in ranch, which defeats the whole 'healthy' thing.

  2. Thanks Bridget, I'm excited to get healthy again. I'm taking despite measures right now even if it's carrots and celery for ever meal! lol.
