Friday, May 6, 2011

Mail that Means A lot.

Good morning! I just want to take a minute to show my appreciation to those who have called to check on us, texted us or those who continue to pray for us during this big move. It means a whole lot to us to know that we have so many caring friends that we surround ourselves with. One special thing happened this week that I want to focus on. I received a special letter in the mail from a dear friend. I was touched by the thought of someone sitting down at a table, writing me letter,  and mailing it off to me. This special someone has so many responsibilites on her plate for she is a full time mom of four beautiful kids, with a full time job. I'm sure it's difficult to just get a break but to use that time to unselfishly give to others is just amazing. That letter touched me in such a special way for it came at my moment of need. We had been without electricity from the storm for a few days and I was getting a little discouraged. When I read the letter, it brought a smile to my face, warmed my heart and gave me the strength that I needed. So, thank you everyone for helping me to get through the most challenging part of this move when I'm friendless, churchless, and trying to adjust to a new town.

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